Contact KMH Lawyers in Ottawa

KMH Lawyers

Open Monday to Friday
From 9:00am-5:00pm

Contact Us

Phone: (613) 733-3000
Fax: (613) 523-2924


2323 Riverside Dr. Suite B0001 Ottawa, K1H 8L5 (Lower concourse)

Find Us

Conveniently located at Billings Bridge Plaza with free parking

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Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Our Location

Billings Bridge Plaza – 2323 Riverside Dr. Suite B0001 Ottawa, K1H 8L5 with free parking
(Lower concourse)

KMH Lawyers Ottawa Law Firm

Billings Bridge Plaza – 2323 Riverside Dr. Suite B0001 Ottawa, K1H 8L5 with free parking (Lower concourse)